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 Positive Country 106.7

The Spirit of Our Mission is to provide our community and the visitors to our beautiful river town with music that communicates the gospel of Jesus Christ and makes him known through songs that inspire faith, hope, and love within the listener and draw them into deep communication with him.

We believe that the Holy Bible is the inspired word of God, living, powerful, and transformative, and that Jesus Christ embodies the word as so perfectly described in the Gospel of John Chapter 1. It is our desire that the Music and Teachings presented on the station are aligned with the Word of God, for the enrichment of the lives of the people of our community.

Like the Psalms, the music will meet us where we are and though positive, the songs will also express deep human need as well as lifting us up and celebrating the hope we have in Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit. Our Creator interwove music into the creation of the universe and all living things. Anointed by the Holy Spirit, music can most powerfully affect the quality of our daily lives as we let go of our burdens, commune with God, and let his love and light shine through us. Galatians 5:22.